Monday, December 10, 2012

Winner or Whiner WHO ARE YOU?

Are You a Winner?

Please take a minute and get up from where you are and go look in the bedroom or bathroom mirror. What do you see? Yeah I know it's the same old story about being positive, but you know what? If it is the same old story to you... Tell you what, I'm a gambler.I'm willing to bet that if you DIDN'T get up and look in the mirror, it's because you are not REALLY happy with what's staring back at you.    I don't mind if you get a little angry at me. But if you are angry, maybe you'll do something about that image you see in the mirror.

 Are you unhappy about your bank account or your balding hairline? Do you like your job, your spouse, your home? How about your attitude? Are you a little grumpy about things? I've been there. I won't go back there again, I can assure you of that. Are you looking to make some changes in your life? Do you have what it takes to be the person you want to be? Or are you afraid you may ruffle a few feathers? Worried that your friends will say that"you've changed"?       I used to have a friend that lived his entire life saying negative things about anyone, anything, anyplace. I never could understand why he was so negative about life in general. He always complained about his job, which by the way he was very good at. He complained about his health, which was pretty good except of course for the pack of cigarettes he smoked every day and the cocaine he snorted on "special occasions". When we were in our teens, he used to say he was going to get married and have 5 kids. He never did. He traveled all around the country, went to Mardi Gras, The Super Bowl, The World Series. He was a natural leader, a talented chef and he used to tell everybody that I was his best friend. He died at 50 years old of cancer. He always wanted to be a winner. He could of accomplished anything and everything he wanted in life. I believe he didn't because of his negative attitude. I believe cancer killed him because of his negative attitude. He used to make fun of anyone who ever stepped out of their comfort zone and tried to do something to improve their life, their love,their circle of influence. He never bought a home, he never had a wife, he never had children, he was never really happy. He did have a lot of people who loved him in spite of his negative approach to life. He was a lovable curmudgeon but he was my friend and as I sit here watching Miami Dolphins football like we used to, I'm thinking about how he thought everything was a scam and that the only way to do things were his way.

Sammy was a Winner

We had another friend that stepped  out of his shadow/comfort zone  and became very successful in sales/marketing. He was an introvert who at an early age became consumed with success that he worked and worked and worked until he was being driven around in limos and living in the lap of luxury. He wanted things, and he got them all. He is a winner , no ifs ands or buts about it! After he got all the things he thought he wanted, he found out all he really wanted to do was sing and play the guitar. Now that he acquired all the things he thought would please him, he retired at 38 years old to sing and play the guitar. It's a good thing that he was awesome at sales and marketing!!! I too have taken the road less traveled and have gone on to live the type of life I desire and have the things my friend always talked about having and doing when we were in our teens, I have 2 sons, I have 2 grandchildren and another on the way! I have owned several homes, I have owned several businesses, I have even been married  several times. I have failed miserably and I have succeeded tremendously. I have made money and I have lost money, an awful lot of money !  I write today not to compare how going down different roads or more importantly having different attitudes have brought about different results. I mention him today because I miss him. I wish he was here to share in my success with me. To share my life, my grandchildren, my positive attitude with someone I loved would be awesome. Our birthdays were in December. Mine the 22nd, his the 24th. It was our tradition to go out and celebrate on the 23rd. No Matter What.

The POINT is are you a winner or a whiner??? The choice is yours to make!


If I had to do it all over again, I would of spent more more time being with a winner than being with a whiner. I love him dearly but at my age I'd rather be spending my free time on singing lessons.  The choice is always yours to make. I admonish you to choose being a WINNER!!!




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