Thursday, February 21, 2013

Network Marketing

Internet Network Marketing

Internet Network Marketing – It certainly isn’t about the products

For along time now many marketers online label themselves as internet network marketing guru’s. It has taken me awhile to fully grasp what it means to be in this industry and what it is that we are really selling.
There are many types of products that can be considered internet network marketing products.
For example: You have tools and services that marketers use  also physical products that you use in your house.  But at the heart of all of it is a person who just wants to make money from home.
And they want to make a lot of money from home.

What It Takes To Make It In The Internet Network Marketing Industry

I believe that most people fall in love with the idea of how much money they can make rather than the products they are selling. Newbies don’t realize in many cases the junk and mis – information that is circulating online.
For Example: There is a school of thought that suggest you create your own products and brand yourself that way. The problem with this thought is many newbies learn this stuff and just jump in and start trying to create products. Even worse is they aren’t drawing from their personal experience rather they are taking information based on what other people have said.
Word of Warning To You – > You must be absolutely careful who you listen to in the internet network marketing industry. There are tons of people who are full of bull crap. Absolutely stay away from people who use reverse marketing strategies..
These people have no concept of good internet network marketing principles or strategies. They don’t know how to get traffic from paid advertising, they don’t know how to get good free quality traffic. All that they know how to do is prey on people who do not have the education yet to know the difference…


In truth it doesn’t matter what you are selling what does matter is the people you work with. Because if your like me the 2 most important qualities you look for in an online business is.
  1. Is the program ethical, legal and will it be around tomorrow?
  2. Is the compensation model and structure designed in a way where I can actually get paid
I love the Direct Sales business model’s. What I don’t love is some of the compensation models for example binary plans, matrix plans, 2x whatever plans.. Simply do not and never will work for the beginner. You may hear a few success stories but we are talking for every 20,000 people that fail you might find 50 good stories of newbies doing well.
The reason is because most plans rely on the idea that you can leverage other people to make you money. And lets just be honest here… That never happens in real life. You end up working your tail off only to earn peanuts for months and even years of effort.
…Don’t get me wrong,
internet network marketing is great once you follow a proven formula that works. I know, everyone says that right? But it’s true, unless you are modeling your business the way real successful people do online you are paddling upstream without paddles.
I have dedicated thousands of hours over the years learning about internet network marketing.  I am not talking about just looking at websites or joining free stuff or even looking for free information. I have literally spent tens of thousands of dollars in this niche. Learning everything I could and even for me it has been a struggle.
…And YOU CAN make really good money online!
It’s been a struggle because I wasn’t getting what the most important lesson was. It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.
Work with the right people and your business will take off literally with ease. Work with the wrong people and your business will slowly decay to nothingness and you will be left standing there wondering who hit you over the head. That’s why I work with…
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