Wednesday, February 20, 2013


I swear black people look like 1/3 of their age, my dad looked like he wad 50 when he was 28.
How can she have an 18 year old son? Did you have him when you were 2?
…I’m actually jealous, you know what I mean? In my family, your hair starts receding and instantly turns grey, and the wrinkles appear. ”
-David Wood
Dammit, I think I looked older than all of them when I was 14.  Isn’t it enough that you destroy us at every sport except swimming?  You’ve got to look young forever too?
I was cracking up when I saw this video clip, because I’ve got a great story about the first time I met Lorina Noble(far right above), one of the badass, hot, young looking moms David was talking to in the video, at the first Empower Network event in Atlanta.
I’ll get to that in a minute though, first let’s go over how powerful this video clip is, and how when you grasp this one simple concept it will take years off your learning curve in your business.

See the Unseen

You have to see things in your mind before they exist in reality and take massive action until you have manifested your vision.  Carefully read these powerful words taken directly from that video clip.
…We went, and took massive action, until we had something proven and had results, and THEN we started to get into all the technical stuff, and infrastructure and stuff like that.
Don’t worry about going in and checking and knowing everything before you take action.”
-David Sharpe

Gravestones And Rocket Ships

Trying to make everything perfect before you start just means you are going to be sitting on your ass until you die.  You might as well order your tombstone engraving now:
Died broke waiting for the perfect moment to get started.  If only he would have had 100 more years to put on the finishing touches.  R.I.P.”
There is no one that has had massive success, ever in history, that hasn’t done a lot of things wrong along the way.
The Empower Network was launched out of a hotel room with a handful of people in it, and a website that didn’t work.
The first employee worked for David Sharpe from his kitchen table.
A million other things went wrong…
but look what it has become.
The reason is simple.
The “Double D’s” had a vision that surpassed their current reality, and they took massive action until the reality surpassed their vision, and then they made the vision bigger.
You should probably read that last statement five times or more, because when you do you will discover another secret of progressive success, that will keep you from ever “getting stuck.”
(We’ll get more into that concept in the future)
A rocket that is getting sent to the moon is off course over 90% of the time.  Making constant adjustments, of a fast moving object, are what brings it in to its desired destination.

You Can’t Steer A Parked Car

Some of you that are reading this are waiting for the perfect time to take action and get started.  You are waiting for a time when it is the perfect moment to pull out your credit card and buy the viral blogging system.
Maybe you have already made the decision to join, and you are trying to make the perfect plan before you take that first step and get started.
You can’t steer a parked car.
It feels good to take that first step.
I remember a time when I didn’t listen to those feelings, and I ended up wrapping my knee around a power-pole snowboarding at 30mph, and two surgeries later I had ruined my senior year of basketball.
I also remember a time when I was in the shower with the woman that is now my wife, and I made a decision at that moment that changed the course of my life forever, for the better.
I’m damn happy I listened to my instincts, and made the right choice.
Think back and remember a time in your life when you were in the right place at the right time, faced with a powerful decision, and you made the right choice?
Was your heart beating fast?
Where were you?
How did you feel?
What made you know that you were making the right choice?
I can’t tell you what you are feeling right now, but I can tell you that if something inside of you is telling you that you need to be a part of this movement, that it is time to listen.
It’s time to start taking massive action, get some results, and THEN you can worry about details.
I can’t tell you when it is the right time to get started.  You’ll know when you need to click the button and join the movement.  We’ll be here for you when you do.
Stay tuned for tomorrow, as we go over things like why it is okay for people to hear you pee on live webinars, to hidden philosophies of true leadership…
-Aki Wood
“Visionary and Dreamer”
P.S. Be sure to leave your thoughts below. If you can think of a story when you made a powerful decision that changed the course of your life, feel free to share it below.

A note to link spammers and weenhole comments: We have hired Superman to randomly come to your house and punch wussies with the third fist hidden in his beard.
dennisK1I’m Dennis @ mkcomputers and I’d love the opportunity to help you grow your internet marketing and Empower business with my group.

“The Prosperity Team”

…On our “Prosperity Team” we are focused and dedicated to help you succeed!

Here Are Just A Few Of Our Prosperity Team Benefits that help people stick with us!
Benefits of Our Empower Network “Prosperity Team”
We have helped countless people prosper & excel in Online Marketing of all types of products from Art to Zippers and we’d like to help YOU too!
 Here are some of our Prosperity Team only bonuses:
Daily Monday-Friday Webinar Mastermind & Daily Action Assignments
Free Marketing System that builds 3 powerful income streams for you!
80 email autoresponder series for GVO or Aweber…
Team Training Site with Step by Step Training!
Team Facebook Mastermind Group
Monday-Firday “Think & Grow Rich” Mastermind Call
And Most Importantly A Partnership Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure Income Earners!

If enjoyed today’s post please ‘like & share’ this page so someone else can benefit from it!
So why not start today?button Training SignUpIF YOU STILL HAVE QUESTIONS CONTACT ME
We are committed to your success and invite
you to team up with us in the Empower Network!

Disclaimer: Superman does not endorse these statements, and we may or may not have hired him.  I wouldn’t risk it though because that third fist hits like a lightning bolt thrown from the hand of Zeus.   Furthermore, we never ever guarantee any income ever, we just believe in people and truly feel that you can accomplish whatever you want with us.  Making money does take work, read our full income disclosure if you like.

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